


The right to vote is one of the most cherished rights a U.S. citizen possesses. You have a responsibility to yourself and your family to vote for local, federal and state officials. ABC has a saying, “Get into politics or get out of business.”

The ABC Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter monitors all construction and business related legislation and regulations on both the national and state levels. The Chapter also lobbies on behalf of its position and testifies when appropriate. Local and County governments are monitored by the Chapter’s Legislative Committee.

ABC National serves as a liaison with the Congress and various federal agencies that are involved with construction issues. ABC National also works to ensure that ABC is represented on national industry and government advisory groups. Our chapter seeks a level playing field for everyone in construction to offer purchasers of construction services the best value for their construction dollar. 


Click here to download a PDF version of the Priority Issue Briefs.

Project Labor Agreements
Find the latest news and information on project labor agreements.

Davis-Bacon Act
Find the latest compliance information for federal and state prevailing wage laws.

Labor & Unemployment
Legislation and news covering employee rights, labor relations, workforce development and workplace health and safety.

Tax Policy
The latest in news and legislative developments related to taxes, fiscal policy, and the broader economy.

Energy & Environment
Legislative and regulatory news and updates regarding energy policy and the environment.

The latest news, legislative action, regulatory developments and compliance tools for hot button issues in federal, state and local procurement.

Health Care
Find the latest updates and resources on the Health Care Law.

Learn more about the Construction Legal Rights Foundation (CLRF) and the latest in legal news.


The purpose of ABC PAC is to work within the federal election process to further the goals of the association through direct involvement in supporting and opposing candidates for the Office of President, United States Senate and United States House of Representatives. This is accomplished through educating our members on the importance of political activism and through financial support of merit shop candidates.

ABC PAC is governed by fifteen board members who are appointed by the ABC National Chairman. The board members serve a three year term and represent each of the seven regions. The ABC PAC Board of Trustees work with the Regional Vice Chairs and chapter leadership to promote political involvement and assist in raising PAC funds. Trustees also approve all disbursements to candidates based on well-established guidelines such as voting records of incumbents.

ABC’s PAC is your voice in elective politics. ABC PAC members’ contributions are combined with others to jointly support candidates. This provides a unified and powerful voice for the merit agenda. It is also an opportunity to participate in one of the largest pro-business PACs in the nation. Learn more.


The Free Enterprise Alliance is leading the campaign to Halt the Assault on America’s free enterprise system. The Free Enterprise Alliance is the action arm for small businesses, entrepreneurs and other advocates of limited government, open and fair (and intense) competition, and the economically sound principles upon which America was built.

At the heart of the Free Enterprise Alliance’s mission is the belief that while we need government for common sense regulations, the scales have tipped too far in favor of government intrusion and its advocates. The Free Enterprise Alliance believes small business and entrepreneurs—not union bosses and federal bureaucrats—grow jobs and our economy. Learn more about the Free Enterprise Alliance.


Sending letters to Congress and other government agencies allows ABC to publicly advocate the views and interests of our members. These letters are welcomed and often sought because of the respected and influential voice of ABC Government Affairs. Click here to learn more.


As a member of Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC), you are a vital part of our legislative efforts to be the voice of the construction industry and further the merit shop philosophy. While ABC staff members work hard to promote legislation that is beneficial for the merit ship and the construction industry, we are most effective only when YOU are involved. Click here to visit the ABC Action Center.

News & Resources


  • ABC Suburban Philadelphia Office
  • ABC Lehigh Valley Office & Training Center
  • ABC Philadelphia Office & Training Center
  • ABC Northeast Pennsylvania Office