Over the past several weeks and continuing throughout the rest of the 2019-2020 school year, students of The Haverford School’s Middle School have been attending weekly classes atop a platform overlooking the site where Adams-Bickel Associates, LLC is building one of the Main Line’s most prestigious private school’s new Middle School. Held and hosted by Joe Bello, President of Adams-Bickel, the kids are taught about the trades, construction coordination and various other elements that go into building a structure such as this one. The idea of hosting the classes came mainly from the kids curiosity, ripping small holes in the privacy fence trying to get a glimpse of all the exciting action that is happening on their campus. After much discussion, Joe, in coordination with Aegis Property Group, the owners rep and Dr. Nagl, The Haverford School’s Headmaster came up with the idea of showing and teaching students about what is happening behind the privacy lined fence rather than hide it from them.
Classes have included science and math classes hosted by Joe himself, Tony Fisher ABA’s On-site Assistant Superintendent, Jerry Long, ABA’s On-site Superintendent, Amelia Einbender-Lieber of WRT, the architect who designed the building and many more trades plan to present over the upcoming weeks and months.