
June Golf Outing
June 10 @ 10:30 am - 7:00 pm
$5.00 – $4,000.00Join us for our June Golf Outing at Rivercrest Golf Club in Phoenixville, PA. Registration includes boxed lunch, snacks, refreshments on the course, dinner & golf cart. Registration & sponsorship deadline is May 27, 2025. Our golf outing is rain or shine unless otherwise instructed by Rivercrest Golf Club.
Date: Tuesday, June 10, 2025
Registration Begins: 10:30am Shotgun Start: 12:00pm
Location: Rivercrest Golf Club, 100 Golf Club Drive, Phoenixville, PA 19460
Foursome: $1,400 Individual Player: $360
Players Pack: $50 Includes 3 mulligans, arms length of 50/50 tickets & 1 raffle ticket.
Premier Sponsor (Limit 1): $4,000 (2) Foursomes, (2) Complimentary dinner tickets, company ad in ABC Merit Newsletter & website for 3 months. Hole sign on the course with option for display table at the hole. Company banner/tablecloth displayed at event.
Beverage Cart/Station Sponsor (Limit 2): $2,500 (1) Foursome, (1) Complimentary dinner ticket, company representative to drive the beverage cart. Company logo at beverage stations throughout the course.
Golf Cart Sponsor (Limit 2): $1,500 Complimentary registration for 1 Individual player. Company logo on all golf carts.
Raffle Sponsor: (Limit 1): $1,000 Sponsorship will be used to purchase 1 large prize to be raffled off at the event. Company logo will be printed on all raffle tickets.
Lunch Sponsor: $700 Company logo displayed on each boxed lunch.
Players Pack Sponsor: $500 Company logo displayed on all players pack envelopes and signage. (4) Complimentary players packs.
Exclusive Hole Sponsor: (Limit 2) $500 Company logo displayed on course, along with table set up at sponsored hole. Company representative can share promo items, snacks or beverages at the hole. Includes lunch.
Hole Sponsor: $300 Company logo displayed on course. Does not include table set up at hole.
Donations: Contact Amy McCafferty if you are interested in donating raffle prizes, gift cards, gift baskets, golf items, or company promo items to distribute to the players.
Cancellation Policy: Registration is financially binding unless cancelled 1 week prior to the date of the class/event.
Read ABC East's Payment and Refund Policy