Founded in 1989 as a safety benchmarking and improvement tool, STEP has evolved into a world-class safety management system that …read more
Wouch Maloney Hires Lisa Cosentino to Lead Practice
Member Wouch Maloney has hired Lisa J. Cosentino, CPA, CFE, CIA, FLMI as Principle of Business Advisory Services. In this …read more
R. L. Reppert Featured in Blueprint Magazine
Member R. L. Reppert has been featured in Blueprint Magazine’s online version. The article talks about the company’s history and …read more
Davis Bucco Becomes Davis Bucco Makara & Dorsey
As of January 1, member company, Davis Bucco, has expanded its name to Davis Bucco Makara & Dorsey. The new …read more
George J. Hayden Inc. and The Howard Group Become Hayden Power Group
Member company George J. Hayden Inc. announced that as of January 1, 2020, it is combining with the Howard Company …read more
Pro Act Targets Main Street Consumers & Businesses
DC union lobbyists are pushing the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act, which aims to boost the number of …read more
Apprenticeship Reform Hearing
There was a packed room for the December 17 hearing on Apprenticeship Reform in Harrisburg. Thanks to all the Chapter …read more
PA Receives Poor Marks on Merit Shop Scorecard
ABC National released its annual Merit Shop Scorecard this week, ranking Pennsylvania as a state with a poor business environment …read more
New Overtime Rules Become Effective January 1, 2020
Jonathan Landesman of Cohen Seglias shares details on the new overtime rules: Under the Department of Labor’s new overtime rules, …read more
ABC Members Interviewed on Executive Leaders Radio
Herb Cohen, host of Executive Leaders Radio, recently interviewed four chapter members on his radio show about how they got …read more